Friday, February 3, 2012


I am reading Tweak by Nic Sheff. The book is his life story of being a drug addict and his way to sobriety. I think it is really interesting and honest and it grabs my attention with its detail. Nic is the main character in his book. I like the way he writes because the way he talks is like me. It would be interesting to know him in real life and hear his advice on anything and everything. The plot seems so real, things I have read in  the book, I've heard in my every day life. I can relate a lot to Nic and going through hard times and trying to stay clean.The book moves at a perfect pace for me, its not slow but not too fast. I can actually picture what im reading. I am not sure what else is going to happen in my book but all I can say is I hope he gets his life together and becomes sober or else he is going to keep going down hill.


  1. What is actually going on in your book?

  2. heatherrrr i loveeee your blog! haha its way more enspiring because this story right here reminds me of you.. if i was to read it you would be the first on my mind! <3 youu

  3. This sounds like a good book. Who is your favorite character? How does this book apply in real life?
